Friday, February 1, 2008

Suicidal Thoughts!!!!!

Just a lil something posted about your boy on Urbaninsite (a website where people hide behind keyboards and type what they are scared to say to your face) Read Below!!

Subject: Re: Richmond Radio
Date: 01/31/08
Time: 8:27 AM

Let's not put all the blame on Ro now. We all know who else is putting all this IPower hate on the vent. There is alot of blame to go around but most should go to whoever in Radio One Corporate that hired Big Nat and put him in Richmond. This loud mouth was horrible on Hot 99.3 . Then some genius decided to move him to Power. WHAT A DISASTER. Big Nat single handedly destroyed the image and class of Power with his grungy, disrespectful and arrogant attitude. The station went on a downward spiral and never recovered. Finally management got rid of his negative entity but at what cost. Power, the heritage station has become the disrespectful gutta station to the listeners and the promising careers of those who alligned themselves with Nat (Dj Foot, Honey B, and A Plus) have been destroyed. Everyone who was fired from Power should be thinking "What would I be doing RIGHT NOW if Big Nat had never come to the Richmond market? Power probably would have still been a major contender. It's a shame that you will never know.